It is impossible to predict when healthcare systems will revert from crisis mode to normal business operations. However, despite the ongoing chaos, organizations must assess their pre, during, and predictive post-pandemic financial positioning; a necessary yet daunting activity when paired with the need to create short and long-term strategies to recover in the future. 

Now is the time for scenario planning and modeling financials to lay the groundwork for alternative options in case future cash flows do not unfold to meet financial obligations. This may include the consideration of possible M&A strategies as the means to position companies for growth opportunities post-pandemic and to ensure the communities these providers care for continue to receive the services they require. 

Join SC&H Capital, Healthcare Management Partners, and I3 Healthcare Consulting for a webinar on June 10th to learn more about the current market, challenges the industry is facing, and further insights into how we can be of assistance to you, and your clients as you proactively consider options to achieve positive outcomes.  

During this webinar, our subject matter experts will cover: 

  • What was the state of the healthcare industry pre-COVID–19? 
  • How has the healthcare industry changed as a result of COVID-19?   
  • What short and long-term challenges are your clients likely to see? 
  • What are the potential solutions and available paths to those in need?  

DATE: June 10, 2020
TIME: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM ET
WHERE: GoToWebinar (links to be provided upon registering)


OUR SPEAKERS Jeff Bathurst Director Technology Advisory Anthony DiGiulian Principal Risk ManagementBacked by years of experience and expertise through data-driven decision making, SC&H Capital, Healthcare Management Partners, and I3 Healthcare Consulting are collaboratively navigating the everchanging strategic and financial needs of the healthcare industry to best position organizations of all kinds to survive, recover, and grow, now and in the future.  

This collective group of executives has led large healthcare organizations through restructuring efforts, uncovered solutions to save organizations and jobsand consolidated entities within the healthcare space to meet the growing needs of patients and the industry as a whole.